This might not be the “best” question, but it’s a pretty good question for me. For everyone.

Beyond Borders

Are denominations biblical? Recently I told a friend of mine that I didn’t think denominations were biblical, and I haven’t heard from him since I made that statement. Now it’s possible that there is some other reason our contact has diminished, but I have a hunch that I may have offended him.

My intention was not to offend, and I don’t mean to offend anyone else that reads this. The point I was trying to make is that God is interested in building his kingdom, and seeing his kingdom expanded on the earth. One of the ways that happens is as his people come together, and serve together in unity.

Lessons in Our Lord, Jesus Christ’s Prayers

Jesus taught us to pray,

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

—Matthew 6:10

In John 17 Jesus prayed in his high priestly prayer, right before he…

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