During this Cold Front (poem)

Even the overpasses have icicles
Reports of people literally chilling to the bone, even a 7-11 coffee can’t remove the sting in your teeth. You still have to brush them. You still need vaseline on below your gloves, you still need dry roads to power steer on with glove-covered hands.

But what can protect you from becoming an icicle? A what or a who?

(This was drafted on January 7, 2014
In a Greyhound station shortly after the “Transformation Tuesday: No tune, just a question” was published.)

Transformation Tuesday: No tune, just a question.

Want to know why/how much the world needs God?

Take a look at CNN. Right now. (Of course all you need to do is step outside). All I can think of is Matthew 24:12. Not surprised, but still heartbroken over the brokenness. It’s cold outside, but we’re colder. Let’s find out what it means to fully surrender to the one that is ALL powerful. And mighty to save, correct, restore, heal, direct. God is worthy to be feared above all I want. Simply because of who He is.

And because he has and continues to melt my heart. So I do what He wants.

If you’re a disciple, hold firmly (or unswervingly) and persevere. If not, I’d love to have a chat and study the scriptures with you :-).

Read and Wrestle

Happy New Year. Ole girl Gab & Graffiti took herself a break. (And didn’t forget about you all.) I just wasn’t kidding when I said “Slow Down and Catch Up.” And it’s not completely over! At the moment I’m with a couple young friends (7 and 9) watching Curious George’s A Very Monkey Christmas, sharing some laughs, food and a couple of soft, red couches.

Appropriately, my last few months of the year were spent sharing. Dinners, parties, sleepovers, dances, music, and the Gospel. Following the last worship Wednesday I had been learning more about worshiping in Spirit and in truth – through my giving. It’s not about the cash, but more about my time. Various circumstances and experiences has allowed (er…motivated) me to be nothing short of independent and introverted. I tend to be a loner, and as a result, I pull the plug on how much I give when I feel like I’m mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually spent.

Or, in other words, I just become selfish. And feel very justified in being so.

  • I can feel like its easier being “godly” and giving to non-believers than it is to do so among the Body. Because I want the glory for being so good.
  • I want to settle for doing “enough” because I’m terrified of burnout out or breaking down.

I don’t make resolutions. I just read (and wrestle) the scriptures.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Micah 6:8 With this in mind, I pray for an increase in humility.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 With this in mind, I pray that I’m presented with more challenges to grow in God’s strength and power, and in my love for everyone. Because He never got tired of teaching, loving and giving to me. Rather than just “work” to earn my place in the kingdom, in gratitude I can trust that my God will bless me beyond my merits and weaknesses, and continue to serve Him out of a deeper intimacy and respect.


Worship Wednesday

Take some time to pray and praise God this evening. And tomorrow. Of course you should do this 24/7, 12/365. Be extra and be thankful. For the good and bad.

I’m praising God for an awesome job in my career field 10 months out of undergrad. I’m praying that at least one coworker can visit my church, a bible study, or a fellowship event. I’m also praying for courage and discernment as I find more opportunities to minister in their lives.

I’m praising God for closer fellowship and communication with my blood family, especially momma. You couldn’t pay me enough to make me believe I’d see a day in which we could just simply talk and laugh. Without fear of the future (ok Proverbs 31 sisters?! Amen). I praise God that I get to witness her read her bible.

I praise God that we both belong to the Kingdom.

I pray for the rest of the Kingdom that we continue to encourage and build each other up. And to seek scripture to fill in the gaps of what we don’t know, what we don’t think, what we don’t see, and what we don’t feel. Yet.

Worship! Cut a step, sing in the bathroom. Something.

Transformation Tunesday: Don’t settle for happiness.

To quote a title track from one of my favorite bands, Switchfoot, “Happy is a yuppie word.” Yet all too often, its what we settle for, instead what we really want, which is given by the only one who can actually give it to us. That is, if we seek Him first. Tonight’s tune comes from Leah Smith, and its about a fruit called joy. Unlike happiness, true joy is eternal and can only be found in Christ alone.


…a three-week challenge of intense discipleship I can’t wait any longer. A month of mind-blowing fellowship, ministry, sharing, love, tears, conviction and prayers, God decided it’s time for my next step. Baptism. As an adult that is committed to following Christ with everything he’s made me with and blessed me with. I can’t be a true disciple with all this increasing faith and joy without being born of the Spirit and being buried with Jesus through baptism. Says who? Romans 6 and Colossians 2. He says so.

Tonight, at Ocean View beach here in Norfolk, VA. I’m celebrating a new life in Christ who died and rose for me and the rest of you.

Care to celebrate with me?